Sunday, December 17, 2006

SharePoint Server 2007 for MCMS 2002 Developers

Introduction to Office SharePoint Server 2007
As a Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) 2002 developer, you know that MCMS 2002 proved to be a great product for content management, and you have probably used MCMS 2002 successfully to maintain your sites.

Some of the tasks for MCMS 2002 required the development of custom code that was costly to design, write, and maintain. In addition, repetitive code needed to be rewritten for almost every MCMS 2002 application.

With Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 and MCMS 2002 SP2, you no longer needed to write code for site navigation, for search integration, or to have more flexibility authoring workflows on each site. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 unifies content management and collaborative solutions to assist you in creating dynamic, highly customized, content-centric Web sites faster and easier. Office SharePoint Server 2007 default functionality frees you from the routine work of creating custom code for common tasks, and in addition, offers the following new features:

  • Extensible workflow

  • Enterprise Search engine

  • Multilingual site publishing

  • Recycle bin (new for SharePoint Server)

  • RSS feeds

  • Single Sign On

  • As an experienced MCMS 2002 developer, you can quickly use your Web content management knowledge in SharePoint Server 2007.

    You no longer have to deploy a solution based on Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and a solution based on MCMS because, in SharePoint Server, you can develop a single solution that includes both content management and collaboration capability. SharePoint Server is built upon Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and offers a powerful new API. You have access to built-in Web Parts, lists, document libraries, templates, workflows, and RSS.
    This article provides a side-by-side comparison of the development concepts in MCMS and SharePoint Portal Server 2003 with SharePoint Server 2007, to help you get up to speed quickly. This article does not provide code examples or step-by-step instructions for using SharePoint Server, but instead points you to the equivalent SharePoint Server concepts so you can know where to find additional information.

    This article provides a side-by-side comparison of the development concepts in MCMS and SharePoint Portal Server 2003 with SharePoint Server 2007, to help you get up to speed quickly. This article does not provide code examples or step-by-step instructions for using SharePoint Server, but instead points you to the equivalent SharePoint Server concepts so you can know where to find additional information.

    Terminology Changes
    Because Office SharePoint Server 2007 is built on the Windows SharePoint Services platform, MCMS 2002 terminology has changed or been replaced to fit more naturally with its SharePoint foundation.

    The following table presents a one-to-one mapping of the main MCMS 2002 elements and their SharePoint Server 2007 equivalents or replacements.
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    Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 3 of 3): Creating and Configuring WCM-Enabled Sites

    Introduction to Creating and Configuring WCM–Enabled Sites
    Web content management (WCM) is enabled in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 through a set of features—many of which rely on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0—that are discussed in the first article of this series. The second article discussed the extensibility options you have as a developer. (For links to the first two articles in this series, see Additional Resources.) To conclude this series, I take an administrator's approach to WCM. Starting with the steps to create an Internet site, I show you how to configure and tune your site for anonymous access and forms authentication. I also demonstrate how you can create and configure site variations.

    Creating a Publishing Portal
    A company typically hosts an Internet site in its own site collection and a dedicated Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site (a Web application). The steps to create a site are not much different from the steps you take to create team sites or a portal site. You actually make the decision very late in the process at the level of the site template you select. For an Internet site, you select the Publishing Portal template.

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    Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 2 of 3): Extending WCM

    Introduction to Extending WCM
    Although Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 provides a rich site definition for delivering an Internet presence and Web content management (WCM) infrastructure, most organizations discover the need to customize and extend the default capabilities. In Office SharePoint Server 2007, all of the WCM features and the underlying artifacts are highly extensible.

    Understanding the Structure of Master Pages
    Each page that a visitor sees in the browser when navigating to an Office SharePoint Server 2007 site is a combination of a master page and a published page based on a particular page layout (a template). The first article in this series (Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 1 of 3): Understanding Web Content Management and the Default Features) provides a general overview of master pages and page layouts. Let's go further in this article.

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    Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 1 of 3): Understanding Web Content Management and the Default Features

    WCM Enhancements in Windows SharePoint Services
    Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 introduces a number of major improvements to the way you store and manage information and documents in lists and document libraries. Let us first review these improvements because they form the basis on which a lot of the WCM features are relying. Here is the list of enhancements discussed:

  • General enhancements

  • Site columns

  • Extensible field types

  • Content types

  • General Enhancements
    Versioning of content stored in lists and document libraries has changed significantly in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Lists support versioning now, and document libraries let you differentiate between minor (draft) and major (published) versions (Figure 1). The concept of minor and major versions is important in any Web content management system. Minor versions of pages are not exposed to everybody—only to the content authors and visitors of the site with the required permission level. The step from a minor version to a major version is, in most cases, the result of a workflow, but an authorized user can also decide to manually publish the minor version as a major version. Major versions of pages are available to every visitor of the site.

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    Monday, December 11, 2006

    Designing Your MCMS 2002 Solution for Reusability

    Microsoft Corporation
    Applies to:
    Microsoft Content Management Server 2002

    Summary: Use best-practice design recommendations for Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 applications and Web sites to help you create your site in a way that prepares it for future versions of MCMS technology. (8 printed pages)

    Microsoft recently announced that the next generation of its Web content management technology will be released as part of Microsoft Office "12", the code name for the next version of the Microsoft Office System. The new offering will succeed Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) 2002. Office "12" will provide seamless integrated Web content management and portal capabilities that will share a common, scalable architecture built on the next-generation Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services foundation. The new release will provide significant enhancements and new capabilities for page authoring, workflow and approval, content deployment and overall site administration and management. Office "12" is expected to be available in the second half of calendar year 2006.

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    Code Samples - CMS and SharePoint Connector Demo

    by Bob German
    New demo for Microsoft Content Management Server, with or without the Connector for SharePoint Technologies. Includes the following: - Basic CMS authoring, editing, and approval in a real-world design, including the Authoring Connector - Improved authoring experience with the new Telerik r.a.d.editor control for CMS - Flexible navigation based on channels and postings, including ability to modify the navigation via the CMS authoring console - Multi-lingual content and language-agile content templates - Manipulating structured data via XML placeholders Content syndication, both in-bound (via a web service) and out-bound (via an RSS feed and an XML file drop) - Connected postings to a SharePoint site using the CMS Connector for SharePoint Technologies - Publishing XML documents (WordML or InfoPath) from a SharePoint document library to CMS using the CMS Connector for SharePoint Technologies.

    Wednesday, December 06, 2006

    How can I make my web site faster with caching ?

    Kai Lee, a program manager from the Web Content Management team posted an article about MOSS2007 caching
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    Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Trial Version

    This is the x86 release version of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Trial for Standard and Enterprise editions.
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    Wednesday, November 22, 2006

    Letter to Content Management Server Customers

    Hear from Jeff Teper, Corporate Vice President of the Office Servers Group, about why the Content Management Server product has been incorporated the new Office SharePoint Server 2007.
    Read full article

    Sunday, November 19, 2006

    Using the Visual Studio 2005 Web Application Project with MCMS SP2

    Lets's talk about using 2003 Project Model for Web Applications instead of using the Web Site model which we already found some issues using it specially when using it with the SourceSafe

    So the benefits listed in this blogs (Scott is a General Manager within the Microsoft Developer Division - )

    And you can download the solution from here

    Additionally, we should use it to avoid many known issues when integrate with CMS (Check this one so we should use this solution (no code change it's just for the Project Model and How visual studio deal with it)

    MCMS Site Map Provider for ASP.NET 2.0

    Sample provider which can be used with the ASP.NET 2.0 navigation controls to implement site navigation with MCMS.

    really it's amazing thanks Stefan

    Thursday, November 09, 2006

    Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: Visual Studio 2005 Extensions

    Brief Description

    Visual Studio 2005 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, November CTP)
    Tools for developing custom SharePoint applications: Visual Studio project templates for Web Parts, site definitions, and list definitions; and a stand-alone utility program, the SharePoint Solution Generator.


    This Community Technology Preview (CTP) of the Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services contains the following tools to aid developers in building SharePoint applications:
    Visual Studio 2005 Project Templates

    • Web Part

    • Team Site Definition

    • Blank Site Definition

    • List Definition

    Visual Studio 2005 Item Templates (items that can be added into an existing project)

    • Web Part

    • Custom Field

    • List Definition (with optional Event Receiver)

    • Content Type (with optional Event Receiver)

    • Module

    SharePoint Solution Generator

    • This stand-alone program generates a Site Definition project from an existing SharePoint site. The program enables developers to use the browser and Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer to customize the content of their sites before creating code by using Visual Studio.

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    Tyler provides insights in his experiences in porting his website to MOSS 2007 using WCM

    Stefan GoĂŸner posted this article on his blog, these article speaks about Tyler Butler and his experience to porting his website to MOSS 2007 using WCM. This article is a very good start to any one who will work with WCM
    Stefan's article

    Tyler's article Part1 Planning and Basic Branding

    Tyler's article Part2 Building Content Types and Page Layouts

    With Software Assurance, how many licenses of Office SharePoint Server 2007 do I get for each license of CMS 2002?

    The license transitions will be specified in the update to the product list in November 2006. You can also contact your Microsoft account team for additional information.

    What if I have CMS 2002 today without Software Assurance?

    If you do not have Software Assurance, or your agreement expires before November 1, 2006, you must purchase new licenses of Office SharePoint Server 2007. A benefit of Software Assurance is that customers are eligible for future upgrades to the product.

    If I want to purchase a Web content management solution from Microsoft, what product should I get?

    For a Web content management solution for extranet or Internet-facing sites, get Office SharePoint Server 2007 for Internet sites. This product is licensed on a per-server basis and does not require the purchase of client access licenses (CALs).

    For intranet-facing Web content management solutions, get Office SharePoint Server 2007 and CALs for the number of users on the intranet.

    How long will support be offered for CMS 2002?

    Customer support for CMS 2002 will be offered according to the usual Microsoft support guidelines. Mainstream support remains available for CMS 2002 until January 2008, after which the product enters extended support until January 2013.

    If I have Software Assurance on CMS 2002, what product do I get in the 2007 Microsoft Office System?

    Office SharePoint Server 2007 is the new product that provides the Web content management functionality which was previously provided by CMS 2002. If you own CMS 2002 licenses under active Software Assurance, you have the rights to use Office SharePoint Server 2007. The exact transitions of CMS 2002 licenses to Office SharePoint Server 2007 will be defined in the November 2006 update to the product list.

    How can existing CMS 2002 customers migrate to Office SharePoint Server 2007?

    Microsoft supports automatic data migration from CMS 2002 to Office SharePoint Server 2007. You can use Office SharePoint Server 2007 features such as search, master pages, and authentication UI to retire custom code that was created to implement these features. The remaining custom code must be migrated manually.

    For more migration resources, see Migration and Upgrade Information for SharePoint Developers.

    Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Stefan GoĂŸner and Steve Cawood did a very wonderful documentation for MCMS 2002 FAQs, it covers most of the problems for MCMS 2002, and these questions are collected from the MCMS newsgroup.
    Download and read the article

    Wednesday, November 08, 2006

    SharePoint Server 2007 for MCMS 2002 Developers

    Microsoft Corporation

    May 2006

    Applies to:
    Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
    Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003
    Microsoft Content Management Server 2002

    Summary: Explore Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, which merges functionality of Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) 2002 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 with new functionality to create one integrated set of technologies built on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (version 3). (20 printed pages)
    read more

    Tuesday, November 07, 2006

    Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 top 10 benefits

    What are the main top 10 benefits for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007?

    1. Provide a simple, familiar, and consistent user experience.

    2. Boost employee productivity by simplifying everyday business activities.

    3. Help meet regulatory requirements through comprehensive control over content.

    4. Effectively manage and repurpose content to gain increased business value.

    5. Simplify organization-wide access to both structured and unstructured information across disparate systems.

    6. Connect people with information and expertise.

    7. Accelerate shared business processes across organizational boundaries.

    8. Share business data without divulging sensitive information.

    9. Enable people to make better-informed decisions by presenting business-critical information in one central location.

    10. Provide a single, integrated platform to manage intranet, extranet, and Internet applications across the enterprise.

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    Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 products comparison download

    Included in this document is a complete breakdown of the features of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and a comparison between the different 2007 server editions and SharePoint Portal Server 2003.
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    Microsoft Enterprise Content Management

    Over the last several years, organizations have created a huge volume of unstructured content that includes documents, e-mail messages, videos, instant messages, Web pages, and more. This content often exists in a state of unmanaged chaos that prevents an organization from properly using these valuable assets for better knowledge sharing, improved customer communications, and increased process efficiency. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) from Microsoft is a key component of an organization's infrastructure, that can help companies overcome these challenges.
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    The Future of Content Management Server 2002

    Based on extensive customer feedback, we have integrated the Web content management capabilities of CMS 2002 into the new Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and added new functionality for enterprise content management, business intelligence, and search. If you're looking for Web content management functionality from Microsoft, check out Office SharePoint Server 2007.

    2007 Microsoft Office System Is Golden

    2007 Office system released to manufacturers; the company looks ahead to worldwide business availability.
    REDMOND, Wash. — Nov. 6, 2006 — Microsoft Corp. today announced the completion of the 2007 Microsoft® Office system code and confirmed its release to manufacturing (RTM). This gold code milestone concludes the largest Microsoft Office beta program to date, with more than 3.5 million people downloading Beta 2. The unprecedented quantity of feedback from beta testers and customers helped the Office development team effectively validate product quality and optimize performance. Microsoft Office RTM also marks a critical step toward worldwide business availability of the 2007 Office system, Windows Vista™ operating system and Exchange Server 2007 on Nov. 30, 2006. To underscore the significance of this new day for business, Microsoft executives will participate in events around the globe, including an event with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in New York. General availability of the products will follow in early 2007.
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    CMS 2002 Website Deployment

    Table of contents :
    • Installation Prerequisites
    • Servers Installation
    • Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2000
    • Installing Microsoft Content Management server 2002

    Installation Prerequisites:
    • Install Windows 2003 Server Standard Or Enterprise Edition
    • Install IIS 6.0 + ASP.NET
    • Install Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1
    • Install Windows Updates
    Servers Installation:
    • Installing SQL 2000 Server
      1. Install SQL 2000 Server Standard Or Enterprise Edition (Install SQL Client if the SQL Server is installed on another Server)
      2. Install SQL SP4
      3. Create a domain account and give it admin rights on the server.
    • Install Content Management Server
      1. Install IE Web controls from webcontrols folder inside content server Installation directory
      2. Install Visual J# .net redistributable package 1.1
      3. Create a SQL Database DB_Name
      4. Create Website on the IIS with name “Site_Name”
      5. Start installing the CMS
        • Nexts
        • Don’t choose to install ( site manager, stager or developer tools now )
        • Then Nexts then finish
        • Next then choose mixed mode
        • Choose the “Site_Name”and “read /write site”, then next
        • Enter a domain user to be the MCMS System user
        • Hit the select database and choose your SQL server and hit the options and choose the “DB_Name” database you created previously
        • Enter a domain account to be an administrator on the Server
        • Choose don’t restrict access
        • Nexts and finish
        • Installing CMS SP1a
        • Install the CMS SP1a on the server
        • Go to add\remove programs and check (site manager, stager) check boxes.

    Arabic post name problems with windows 2003

    Once upon a time I was in my office and I found Tamer Atia came to my room asking, I’m facing a problem on a CMS site, the client created many posts and makes the name and display name in Arabic and we can’t browse to these posts so why this happened and what is the solution?
    Windows 2003 has a bug in reading the Arabic posts (post name in Arabic) so if you deployed your site on windows 2003 take care not to make any post name in Arabic, you can make the display name in Arabic but not the post name and if your server is windows 2000 so you can make the post name in Arabic no problem but also to avoid any problem keep the post name in English.

    Sunday, November 05, 2006

    Create Resource Gallery Programmatically

    This issue has many negotiations for the legality of doing that, Tarek Yehia posted an article of how to do this and Stefan GoĂŸner raised a red flag for doing this and he strongly refuse this issue and posted an article (Some people never learn :-( )for this issue.

    I'm one of the people who used Tarek's article and it works well with me BUT after Stefan mentioned that in his article and also we had this discussion on a news group and I recommended this solution to someone but I found Stefan's replay, he said in his replay (NEVER EVER RECOMMEND SUCH METHODS!).

    Stefan explained that the whole database will be unsupported after using this method.
    And I'm not sure that if we can do it with WCM.

    So we need to stop using this method until find a legal solution with WCM.

    Can I find Channel Authors?

    This was a request on CMS newsgroup, the question was about finding the authors programmatically.

    So, is it possible? Can we find it or find any supported method to enumerate the users?

    Unfortunately there is no method to do that in MCMS 2002.

    Saturday, November 04, 2006

    Multiple CMS sites on same CMS database

    Is it doable? Can we create multiple sites and manage these sites from one site manager?
    You can only connect to only one database from your DCA but you can divide your channels under the main channel root to make sub channels like site1, site2 and from your code you can work in the first site with site1 as your root channel not channels root and make the same with the second site.
    So you can create any number of sites under one CMS DB.

    Posting limitations under one channel

    Posting limitations under one channel
    This is a famous problem can be faced while working with MCMS 2002, if you have a channel and the posts under this channel exceed 200 posts you will face a problem, the channel won't be displayed and no post will be displayed.

    The solution
    From my practice we have to archive the posts under sub channels, there is no problem to create a tree of channels under your main channel and to archive your posts in this tree.
    Also it's recommended to do the same with the resource galleries.

    Monday, October 30, 2006

    Using SharePoint Portal Server Search with Content Management Server (PDF)

    This is a famous case that the developer can use during working with CMS and search

    BPRL15 Integrating CMS, WSS, and SPS: Content Management Server 2002 Connector for SharePoint Technologies (PDF)

    Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Connector for SharePoint Technologies enables you integrate Content Management Server with both Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. The connector enables the sharing of key publishing and search technologies, as well as enabling unified content management and collaboration across the enterprise. In this hands-on lab, learn to customize Web part views, create rendering templates, use the Connector's placeholder and API, and see how you can integrate SharePoint Portal Server Search with Content Management Server applications.

    Slide Decks - BPR391 - Content Management Server 2002 Connector for SharePoint Technologies: Technical Overview and Architecture

    This session requires a fundamental understanding of Microsoft Content Management Server and SharePoint Products and Technologies. Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Connector for SharePoint Technologies enables you to integrate Content Management Server with both Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. See how the connector enables the sharing of key publishing and search technologies as well as unified content management and collaboration across the enterprise. See the features and functionality of the connector demonstrated and learn how it can be used to enhance and extend your portals.

    Slide Decks - BPR324 - Building Enterprise Content Applications with CMS 2002, Office 2003 and 2003

    The session is aimed at companies who have invested/or are thinking of investing in Microsoft Content Management Server, Sharepoint Portal Server and Microsoft Office (specifically Word and InfoPath) solutions. This will show the audience that the simple workflow capabilities within Content Management Server or Sharepoint Portal Server can easily be extended to support complex human to system interactions using a graphical business process design tool, namely 2003. It will also show how Microsoft Office products can be used in an integrated way to contribute to a total Content Management environment within organisations. A live demonstration of a complex business process within a Content Application will be presented to show how 2003 can be used to build an integrated Enterprise Content Management solution with relative ease and wizard based development.

    Slide Decks - BPR309 - Content Management Server 2002: Building Advanced Solutions and Custom Server Controls

    In this session you will see how Content Management Server 2002 integrates with Visual Studio .NET to provide direct access to the MCMS data model and the MCMS Publishing API. Learn how to create rich .NET Content Management Server solutions. Are you limiting yourself to the out-of-the-box edit control? Don't! See how you can allow your authors to enter different kinds of content with a rich edit control providing a great experience. Also, learn how to develop your own ASP.NET placeholder server controls.

    Slide Decks - PRT335 Best Practices for Content Management Server (CMS) 2002 Development

    This session discusses best practices for designing and building Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 solutions with an emphasis on development best practices. Attendees are expected to have a basic understanding of CMS 2002. The techniques presented will help you develop more flexible and performant solutions. Code samples are shown that, for example, demonstrate how to separate business logic from display code making your code highly modular; caching is also discussed. Also learn tips and tricks and see samples that can help accelerate your development. Tricks include showcasing cost-effective methods of using existing content to enhance your CMS solution; for example, providing richer editing capability and workflow enhancements.

    Sunday, October 29, 2006

    Slide Decks - OFC329 - Migrating Your Content Management Server 2002 Web Sites to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

    This session discusses how to migrate your Content Management Server (CMS) 2002 sites to Office SharePoint Server 2007. Learn how to assess your CMS 2002 application, the different migration scenarios possible and how to plan for migration. It includes a discussion on the out-of-the-box data migration tool and best practices for preparing your application for migration.

    Slide Decks - OFC329 - Migrating Your Content Management Server 2002 Web Sites to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

    This session discusses how to migrate your Content Management Server (CMS) 2002 sites to Office SharePoint Server 2007. Learn how to assess your CMS 2002 application, the different migration scenarios possible and how to plan for migration. It includes a discussion on the out-of-the-box data migration tool and best practices for preparing your application for migration.

    Slide Decks - OFC216 - Using the Web Content Management Features of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 to Build Great Looking Sites

    This action-packed session covers a technical drilldown of the new Web content management features in Office SharePoint Server 2007. Learn how to build a rich publishing site with a consistent, customized look and feel. Understand how authors can create Web pages in-context and using applications such as Microsoft Office Word that stay in synch with your Web site's look and feel. See how site managers can control what content gets published using features like workflow and scheduling. Finally, hear a discussion on how the authoring interface and experience can be customized.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Creating Custom Web Part Views for the Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies

    The Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies includes Web Parts that can be used to integrate Content Management Server publishing functionality with SharePoint Portal Server or SharePoint Services pages. In this webcast you will learn how to display Content Management Server pages in these Web Parts and how to customize their appearance by developing custom components.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Creating Custom Web Part Views for the Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies

    The Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies includes Web Parts that can be used to integrate Content Management Server publishing functionality with SharePoint Portal Server or SharePoint Services pages. In this webcast you will learn how to display Content Management Server pages in these Web Parts and how to customize their appearance by developing custom components.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Accelerating Portal Deployments with Metalogix Migration Manager

    Organizations adopting Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 and SharePoint Technologies can benefit from reduced deployment costs and accelerated delivery of their portal solution by using Metalogix Migration Manager. See how Migration Manager manages, accelerates and automates the process of moving legacy content from an existing site into a new portal solution. We will also demonstrate how to use Migration Manager to generate MCMS templates from existing web pages and version 2.0's support for WSS Document and Image Libraries.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Integrating Microsoft Content Management Server and SharePoint Products and Technologies

    Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) Connector for SharePoint Technologies is a new integration pack that allows for creation of rich portal solutions. This webcast provides an overview of the product's features and capabilities along with demonstrations of various scenarios it addresses

    Microsoft Web Casts - Content and Process Fusion with Content Management Server and SharePoint Portal Server

    In this webcast Teamplate will provide a live demo on their Teamplate for .NET application for designing, developing, and implementing workflow scenarios for publishing content through Content Management Server and SharePoint™ Portal Server. Teamplate will demonstrate how to incorporate a repeatable and predictable business process for publishing Web content from initial content creation through to the final publishing. Developers won't want to miss the valuable demonstration of the tools used in this Teamplate, Microsoft® solution.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Performance Tuning in Microsoft Content Management Server 2002

    This Support WebCast will review the basics of transaction cost analysis. This will help users evaluate their current hardware and determine if it is meeting their demand. The session will also discuss general limitations, best practices, and things to consider for the Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) 2002 network architecture and site design. Finally, it will also talk about caching and tuning techniques, and will provide samples to help users improve MCMS 2002 site performance.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Integrating Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies with Microsoft Content Management Server 2002

    Fifth of a five-part series on developing with Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (SPS) and Windows SharePoint Services (WSS). This webcast will provide a technology preview on forthcoming integration code that integrates Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 with both Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and Windows SharePoint Services for Windows Server 2003. Design, development and deployment implications will be covered in detail.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Extending Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Publishing Processes

    Do you need a specific workflow to meet your business needs? Microsoft Content Management Server (CMS) has an extensible publishing workflow model that enables you to customize your Web publishing processes. Learn how to use the Microsoft ASP.NET event model to create custom CMS workflows.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Accelerating MCMS 2002 deployments with Metalogix Migration Assistant

    Organizations adopting MCMS 2002 can benefit from reduced deployment costs and accelerated delivery of their content management solution by using Metalogix Migration Assistant. See how Migration Assistant can manage, accelerate and automate the process of moving legacy content from an existing site into their new MCMS solution. We will also demonstrate how to Migration Assistant to generate MCMS templates from existing webpages.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Building Websites with Microsoft Content Management Server 2002

    Learn how to rapidly create content rich, highly dynamic Web sites with Microsoft Content Management Server 2002. In this Webcast, you will learn how you can create templates in the VisualStudio.NET environment. The presenter will show you how to create a MCMS2002 Web project, introduce you to the different MCMS 2002 server and user controls, explore the API, and step you through the creation of a demo site that non-technical people can update and add content to. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and learn about Content Management Server 2002.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Introducing Microsoft Content Management Server and Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Integration Pack

    Find out how you can use Microsoft Content Management Server and Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server together in your organization for complete intranet, extranet, and Internet solutions. Learn how the integration between the products is used to provide a complete enterprise search, productivity, and end-to-end information publishing solution within an organization.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Introducing Microsoft Content Management Server and Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Integration Pack

    Find out how you can use Microsoft Content Management Server and Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server together in your organization for complete intranet, extranet, and Internet solutions. Learn how the integration between the products is used to provide a complete enterprise search, productivity, and end-to-end information publishing solution within an organization.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Microsoft Content Management Server 2002: Best Practices and Procedures for Administering a CMS Web Server

    This Support WebCast will discuss topics that are related to the administration and maintenance of a Microsoft Content Management Server (CMS) 2002 installation. This WebCast will focus on developers and those who may not be systems administrators, but are responsible for maintaining a CMS server. The topics will include CMS configuration, security considerations and best practices, database administration and maintenance, IIS maintenance, and also disaster recovery planning and execution

    Saturday, October 28, 2006

    Microsoft Web Casts - Building Multi-Lingual Web Sites with MCMS 2002

    Discover how to leverage Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 to build content rich web sites that support multiple languages. In this Web cast you will learn how to tap into MCMS 2002's template architecture and Publishing API (PAPI) In addition, see how to take advantage of MCMS 2002's extensible Placeholder infrastructure and native support for XML to render multi-lingual content in the appropriate target language. Come join us in this Web cast to find out how MCMS 2002 can help you adapt your content to your target languages.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Deploying CMS 2002

    Get Microsoft-recommended best practices for deploying a Content Management Server 2002 solution.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Overcoming the Legacy Content Migration Challenge: Metalogix Migration Assistant for Microsoft Content Management Server 2002

    Migration Assistant is a product that helps webmasters and IT managers quickly and easily migrate thousands of pages of content from a legacy website into Microsoft Content Management Server. Using a browser integrated point-and-click interface, Migration Assistant allows for easy identification and extraction of desired content. As you select elements in the source HTML page, an Extraction Query Language (EQL) statement is automatically generated behind the scenes. Once an EQL statement is generated, the Metalogix Extraction Engine can crawl your entire legacy site and apply this query to thousands of pages. The extracted data can be piped to an XML repository, an Excel spreadsheet, or directly into Microsoft Content Management Server.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Customizing and Extending MCMS 2002 Workflow

    The Content Management Server 2002 extensible publishing workflow model has been considerably expanded. Learn how to use the ASP.NET event model to create custom workflows.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Building Multi-Device Web Sites with MCMS 2002

    Learn how to tap into the Content Management Server 2002 template architecture and Publishing API (PAPI) in conjunction with the Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit to target a range of mobile devices, and take advantage of extensible placeholder infrastructure and native support for XML to render multilingual content in the appropriate target language.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Integrating Search with MCMS 2002

    Learn how to integrate Microsoft SharePoint™ Portal Server Search into Content Management Server 2002 to increase discoverability of content on your Web sites.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Building Custom MCMS 2002 Placeholder Server Controls

    Content Management Server 2002 comes with several placeholders out of the box. Learn how to build your own custom placeholders as needed for your business.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Microsoft Web Casts - Building Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Custom Placeholder Controls

    Learn how to build custom placeholder server controls. In this session, we'll walk you through some examples and through end-to-end development of a custom placeholder server control.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Building Web Sites with ASP.NET and MCMS 2002

    Learn how to rapidly create content rich, highly dynamic Web sites with Microsoft Content Management Server 2002! In this Webcast, you will learn how you can create templates in the VisualStudio.NET environment. The presenter will show you how to create a MCMS2002 Web project, introduce you to the different MCMS 2002 server and user controls, explore the API, and step you through the creation of a demo site that non-technical people can update and add content to! We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and learn about Content Management Server 2002!

    Microsoft Web Casts - Rapid Microsoft CMS Site Creation with the CMS Wizard

    The CMS Wizard is a simple, cost-effective and rapid way to deploy Microsoft CMS enabled Web sites. This webcast will demonstrate the ways it can be integrated into partners’ projects, particularly as prototyping tool or low budget solution. It will also discuss new functionality, such as site maintenance and Visual Studio integration, that is available with the full release version of this product.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Creating Custom Rendering Templates with the Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies

    The Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies provides a Content Management Server placeholder that can be used to render documents in a SharePoint Services or SharePoint Portal Server document store on a Content Management Server page. In this webcast you will learn how to customize the way these documents are rendered by creating custom rendering scripts.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Configuring Search with the Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies

    This webcast will describe how the Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies integrates SharePoint Portal Server search functionality with Content Management Server sites. You won’t want to miss the demonstrations on how to configure indexing of Content Management Server content, and how to use the Web controls provided in the Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies to implement a search page in your site.

    Microsoft Web Casts - Using the Document Placeholder in the Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies

    The Microsoft Content Management Server Connector for SharePoint Technologies provides a Content Management Server placeholder that can be used to render documents in a SharePoint Services or a SharePoint Portal Server document store on a Content Management Server page. In this webcast you will learn how to extend the functionality of the document placeholder, and we will demonstrate the implementation of custom code.

    Code Samples - FAQ Placeholder Control

    This placeholder control extends the XmlPlaceholder and allows business users to contribute a FAQ list which is presented as DHTML. In Presentation Mode, users can expand and collapse each FAQ item. In Authoring Mode, users can add, edit and delete items. The underlying data is stored as XML using a standard XmlPlaceholderDefinition.

    Code Samples - Telerik r.a.d Menu wrapper for MCMS 2002

    A wrapper for telerik's r.a.d. Menu control allowing MCMS specific properties to be set at design time.
    Recently, Microsoft and Telerik announced the availability of the r.a.d. Editor MCMS Edition. This extended version of the r.a.d Editor Web Control provides a replacement for MCMS's out of the box HtmlPlaceholder, offering a rich content editing experience, integration with MCMS Resource Galleries all without the requirement for client side ActiveX. In addition to the r.a.d Editor control, Telerik offer a suite of superb Web Controls for ASP.NET development which are also ideal for use with MCMS. This sample is a simple wrapper for the r.a.d Menu control which includes a number of additional MCMS specific design time properties.

    Code Samples - Extended Attachment Placeholder Control

    An extension of the SingleAttachmentPlaceholder control afforing more control of Presentation Mode rendering.
    The SingleAttachmentPlaceholder Control that ships with MCMS 2002 is a great way to include links to binary files on your site. However the Presentation Mode rendering of the control, especially when using the MustUseGeneratedIcon property leaves much to be desired. This control avoids the cost of dynamic rendering of icons, allows for full transparency in icons, more precise rendering control and the addition of a target attribute to open the link in a different frame or new window.

    Code Samples - Floating Console

    An implementation of a Floaing Console for MCMS 2002, based on the MSDN article and sample for MCMS 2001.

    You cannot access Content Management Server 2002 when you use a user from a universal group that belongs to a domain and the domain differs from the d

    Consider the following scenario. You use a user from a universal group membership that belongs to a domain, and the domain differs from the domain of the universal group. You try to access Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) 2002. In this scenario, you cannot access MCMS 2002.

    OFC202 - Windows SharePoint Services (version 3): Overview and What's New

    This session covers technical fundamentals of the next generation of Microsoft's Web workspace technology - what's new, what's changed, how it works, and why you should deploy it and develop on it. This session is a prerequisite for "Office SharePoint Server 2007: Overview and What's New".

    OFC207 - Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007: Overview and What's New

    Office SharePoint Server 2007 is much more than an upgrade to SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and Content Management Server 2002. This session covers technical fundamentals, feature overviews, new sets of server functionality, and implications for developers and IT professionals alike. NOTE: Since Office SharePoint Server 2007 is built on Windows SharePoint Service 3.0, this session requires that you attend "Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 - Overview and What's New" first.

    Web Content Management with MOSS 2007

    Microsoft published this presentation to describe al about WCM with MOSS.
    This is an important document to start working in WCM.
    Download the document here

    Friday, October 27, 2006

    WSS vs. MOSS vs. WF

    What about the workflow in office system 2007?
    Microsoft published a word document to describe the workflow in one word document Check it out here
    Understanding Workflow in Windows SharePoint Services and the 2007 Microsoft Office System.

    Bye Microsoft CMS, Hello MOSS WCM

    This is a good article By Brice Dunwoodie
    Bye Microsoft CMS, Hello MOSS WCM
    By Brice Dunwoodie   ::   Filed Under »
    Web CMS

    Published: Jul 21. 2006

    The Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) has been emerging in its new form
    over the past two and a half years. Beta 2 is out and we’re told production
    will arrive in the environs of late 2006.

    As for MCMS 2002 as we have known it? Its gone. Its history.
    Its a fading memory.

    …well that is, unless you have a very expensive
    web infrastructure that you’ve invested hundreds of
    thousands of dollars in. In that case, its high time you sit back and start figuring
    out if your organization will jump the gap to the next gen Microsoft offering, or
    if you’ll brave the waters of Web CMS
    product selection and chart a new infrastructure road map.

    Either way, both proud and pained owners of MCMS
    2002 need to know two things. Firstly, the new Microsoft Content Management catch
    phrases are “Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS)” and “Web
    Content Management (WCM)”. Secondly, there are big changes on your horizon.

    MOSS 2007 Web Content Management
    is an out of the box feature of MOSS. MOSS
    itself is built upon the Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) v3.0 foundation
    layer, just as SharePoint Portal Server (SPS) 2003 was built upon
    v2.0. WSS
    is the evolution of SharePoint Team Services (STS).

    Its a mouthful of capital letters just to get started. Once you’re ready to digest more, here are some good starting points:

    And stay tuned here as we continue to explore the next generation of Microsoft’s
    Web and Enterprise Content Management solutions.

    Friday, October 13, 2006

    CMS console and JavaScript errors

    If you are creating CMS web site so I think you will face this problem, you did every thing but when you try to open the console and switch to edit it gives JavaScript error and doesn't work so what is problem?


    1. open IIS

    2. expand the your website node

    3. you will find a virtual site called MCMS

    4. expand this virtual

    5. a folder called CMS will be under this virtual

    6. right click on this folder and choose properties

    7. copy the path in the Local Path

    8. click cancel

    9. right click on the main site and create new virtual directory and name it CMS

    10. in the directory step paste the path that you copied before

    11. complete the wizard

    12. right click on this virtual site and remove the application from it

    13. Browse your site and enjoy it.

    Why This solution?
    this Virtual Folder contains all the CMS menus and forms and it has to be part of every CMS site. The trick you do with the Virtual Folder enables you to share the same folder between several sites.
    When you create a new CMS site using the CMS this Virtual folder should exist.If you create the CMS site manually , then you'll probably have a problem.

    Friday, June 02, 2006

    You receive a "Navigation Error" error message when you use MCMS Authoring Connector after you upgrade MCMS 2002 Service Pack 1 (SP1) to run on a Wind


    After you upgrade Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) 2002 Service Pack 1 (SP1) to run on a Microsoft Windows Server 2003-based computer, you receive the following error message when you try to publish or update a Web page by using Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) Authoring Connector:

    Navigation Error
    Navigation to
    returned error500:
    Internal server error.

    Note The placeholder ServerName is a placeholder for the name of the MCMS 2002 SP1 computer. The placeholder DocumentName is the placeholder for the name of the Web page that you are trying to publish or update.

    Note This problem occurs even if the computer has MCMS 2002 Service Pack 1a (SP1a) installed.


    This problem occurs when the Microsoft .NET Framework Web.config file for the MCMS Web application does not have the optional attribute specified.

    Note The default value for the validateRequest optional attribute is true.


    To resolve this problem, add the pages validateRequest=false optional attribute to the Web.config file for the MCMS Web application.

    Note In a default installation, the physical location of the MCMS Web.config file is located in the following folder

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Content Management Server\Server\MCMS


    Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

    MCMS Connector for SharePoint Technologies

    Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Connector for SharePoint Technologies enables you to integrate Content Management Server with both Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. As part of Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies, the connector enables the sharing of key publishing and search technologies as well as enabling unified content management, publishing, and collaboration across the enterprise.

    Content Management Server 2002 Authoring Connector for Word - Language Pack

    Visit the Download Center to download the client and server files for the localized versions of Content Management Server 2002 Authoring Connector for Word.

    Content Management Server 2002 Product Documentation

    Download this self-extracting file and get searchable, indexed help for Content Management Server 2002 on your computer.
    click here to download it

    Saturday, May 27, 2006

    Microsoft Content Management Server Site Map control (C#)

    Stephen Huen wrote this article, he did Site Map web control, written in C#, displays channel and posting structure in a hierarchical tree that is expandable and collapsible when viewed in a IE4+ or NS6+ browsers. When viewed in NS4, the tree is fully expanded. The starting channel is configurable, so you can have multiple instances of the control in one page, rendering different portions of a site if so desired.

    C# Version here

    VB Version here

    Monday, May 22, 2006

    Hello CMS

    Dear All,
    Welcome to my blog and I hope you find here all what you need about Microsoft Content management Server (MCMS), definitely your feedback is highly appreciated and if you are facing any problem please send to me may I can help you to solve it.
    Finally, enjoy the articles.
    Shady Khorshed