Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Calculated field date format

According to the regional settings of your system , the format of the date will follow these settings in any list , however if you have a date field in any list and you want to format it you can follow this solution

Problem : Formatting date field in list.

Solution : you can play with that by creating calculated field that contains the following formula
 =TEXT([Date Field Name],"dd mm, yyyy")

But if the date field is optional so the NULL values will return default date value so you need to check if the value is NULL to return nothing , the formula will be
=IF([Date Field Name]=""," ",TEXT([Date Field Name],"dd/mm/yyyy"))

The first part checks if the value is NULL so it returns “ “ however you can add any text in between if you want like “ No date “ , the second part is placing the date text and format it and you can play with the format types.

Calculated field date format
Calculated field date format


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Unable to add selected web part(s). The file is currently checked out or locked for editing by another user.

If you play with list default pages like DispForm.aspx or EditForm.aspx or NewForm.aspx and after modification you find that anyone can’t see your modifications or if anyone trying to edit the page get this error
Unable to add selected web part(s). The file is currently checked out or locked for editing by another user.

You have to do the following , Simply check the file in , but the question is , from where can I check the file in ?
If you opened the file from SharePoint Designer under your list you will not find check-in option , you have to open it from “ All Files “ folder in SharePoint Designer , locate your file , check it in.